Rant [last week's delayed post]

Didn't realised I did not upload this up, but thought I'd still like to share how shitty last week was...

22 September 2014 - This week was a very, very trying week. I've not felt this upset for a very long time, and it's been ages since I last cried about work. That is coming from someone who used to cry every single time I talked about work, when I first started out. 

Knowing that one of my accounts is put on review before the stipulated date, is unnerving (no, it's not my fault or any sort, btw), and I've put in my 200% to make the last few months count. Always putting whatever for this account on priority, responding as quick as I can, and trying my best to hit the deadlines. 

And the damnest of all is that this account has this stupid portal which is honestly, the bane of my life. What I've got to do, is to upload all media clippings onto this portal. Since I was the only one that figured how to load the clippings on the portal, I was tasked to upload all clippings for the entire year. Luckily I had my Gladys and Sze Een to help me out, and my god, uploading the clippings was not a breeze, man. Firstly, the portal runs on window explorer 7 and all our laptops will always crash whenever we go onto that portal.
Secondly, their PR value calculations is different from our usual calculations. It was really a hassle to deal with this thing, on top of everything else that's going on. 

This time round, I had a new intern to help out with the uploading, and I expected the same kind of standard I got with working with the previous two. But it seemed like that's not the case. I guess, I've always been too lenient, cos I've been there and done that, and I don't wish to load up the intern with too much work. I set a really reasonable deadline for her, and checked in every once in awhile on her. I had the intention of checking everything after the deadline, which is still within the deadline I promised my client. Guess I misplaced my trust on her? 

On Tuesday, I received an urgent call from my client who wanted the PR Values on the portal from whatever months that we've uploaded by the end of the day. Throughout the entire day, i received angry calls from my client demanding why is the uploading of the clippings are not complete, why is the value difference so much, why are there multiple clippings , etc etc. Gosh. On top of that I had my upper management questioning what the heck is wrong with everything? 

And the best of all is when I sat down with the intern to check every clippings, I questioned why she didn't check in with me if she was unsure of anything and she had the cheek to say "it's a bad habit of mine, to not ask when I need to"


I've been told countless of times that I need to thread the line with this intern, because she's a little more special and need more babying, but really?? 

I guess what really broke me down, was when my manager asked me what's wrong and told me something along this line " it seems like your quality of work is going down, Fiona. All the clients are saying so."


I know for a certain that I've not slacked off for all my other accounts, so I'm really baffled as to why she would say such a thing. It's alright if she say this particular account, but all? Really?

I broke down that same day. 

I'm not sure how exactly true is her words (I've been told it could be bullshit as times), but I know for a very fact that I've tried my darnest for this, and all my accounts, and no one could say I've not tried as hard as I could for that stupid portal. 

I've always been a very simple person. Work hard, gain that experience, don't cause any bad blood, take everything in stride, and learn from there. Last week really worn me down. 

I've never felt so tired 



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“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”
― Mae West


Wanderluster. Thrill seeker.
Vintage Hunter. Dreamer
Hello there! My name is Fiona.
Welcome to Summermuseee, a blog that is really about nothing and everything; random snippets of my life, my DIY crafts and baking adventures and my journey to loving myself and appreciate the little finer things in life.


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