Do Not Step On The Cirrus Clouds

Dominic; my fellow Internal Affairs warrior back in TP MIG days, pop-ed last weekend and asked to meet and catch-up since he have a full week of block leave. The initial plan was dinner but I've been feeling so unfit lately I requested to do something sporty. Knowing Dom, that guy is up for anything and he's sporty, so we decided on cycling from ECP to Changi Village. 

With the Park Connector Network, it's pretty easy to cycle from ecp to Changi and with the PCN Lifestyle Bike N Skate pit-stops, it's even more convenient. You can borrow a bicycle from any of these pit-stops, there are 7 in total all strategically located, and drop them at a pit stop that is nearest to you. We rented our bikes from ECP and dropped it off at the pasir ris pit stop. We rented the bikes for 4 hours at $16/bicycle. 

Initially the uncle was telling us we don't need 4 hours to cycle from ecp to Changi, in fact we can cycle to sun plaza if we want (there's a pit stop there too) and we thought why not. Turns out we needed that 4 hours. The left pedal of my bicycle was loose and it broke midway at Changi and we spent exactly an hour trying to cycle to the next pitstop to get an exchange. Dom was kind enough to take my bike la hahaha if not I would've been in a pretty foul mood, and he tried like many crazy creative ideas to cycle with one pedal. It was pretty hilarious!

That's one of his method: tying his towel over his foot and pedal. Hahaha

The sun really showed no mercy today. Well, it's also our fault for picking such a timing to cycle la. I became super super dark after today, so dark that my cheeks are red and my tan lines are obvious. I wore a scallop shape tank top today and gosh, the tan lines on my shoulders are scallop shaped. Hahaha. 

It's been awhile since I last saw Dom, so we basically just talked about life, army and alot of nonsense as well. It was a really good catch up session. It's good to have a guy put things in their perspective for you sometimes, and I learnt something from today's meet-up. I believe he too did learned something from me as well la considering how quick he was to adding some girl on Facebook (hahaha) after I told him friendships through social media is possible. 

Things should be taken with a pinch of salt sometimes

Play time is over and from tomorrow onwards, I'm gonna start focusing on my studies. Exams in a week time, oh how time flies! 



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“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”
― Mae West


Wanderluster. Thrill seeker.
Vintage Hunter. Dreamer
Hello there! My name is Fiona.
Welcome to Summermuseee, a blog that is really about nothing and everything; random snippets of my life, my DIY crafts and baking adventures and my journey to loving myself and appreciate the little finer things in life.


Follow me on Instagram @Summermuse