"What's in my rice cooker"

Inspired by collette's "what's in my rice cooker" photos on Instagram, I decided to do my own rendition of it.

1/2 cup short grain brown rice 
2 stalks of leek, sliced thinly 
3 stalks of chilli padi (seeds removed), sliced
1 sausage, sliced thinly 
1/2 salmon
1 egg

First, I marinate the salmon with salt and pepper and slice them into smaller pieces. 
I put the leek, chilli and rice together in the rice cooker.
After 10 minutes I put the salmon and sausage in. 
When the rice is cooked, I crack the egg on top and let the rice cooker do its job of cooking the egg with the steam. 

IT'S AWESOME!! The portion was just right for 1 and it was filling. What I could have done better was probably not put sausage and put chicken breast meat instead. That would be a much healthier meal. Nevertheless, since I've mastered the art of cooking a one-pot rice dish, I will be experimenting with different ingredients. Exciting! (: 

It's funny that the coming weekend I'll be all alone at home cos everyone will be overseas or out but I cannot really fully appreciate it as I'll be studying for my exams. If only my exams are later. Meh


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“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”
― Mae West


Wanderluster. Thrill seeker.
Vintage Hunter. Dreamer
Hello there! My name is Fiona.
Welcome to Summermuseee, a blog that is really about nothing and everything; random snippets of my life, my DIY crafts and baking adventures and my journey to loving myself and appreciate the little finer things in life.


Follow me on Instagram @Summermuse