School has officially begun!
I haven't really been blogging much because I didn't have much visuals to share, but prior to the start of school, I've been heading out quite abittttt, a little too much Infact. Guess I just wanna squeeze as much fun as I can before the start of this new semester!
My summer holiday had been nothing short of awesome; all the random movie dates and fun outings I had, the numerous catch up sessions I had with my girlfriends and all the nights when my friends and I decided to hit the club. I managed to scratch out 8 things out of my "Things to do this Summer" list, which is quite a feat!
Sad to say that it's finally time for my summer holiday to end and embrace my last and final semester in SIM RMIT. Can't believe that I'm graduating soon. It's harder to believe that I graduated from TP just last year. Gosh! Didn't felt last like year AT ALL!
School has been pretty mundane so far. My modules this semester are pretty heavy duty, especially this one particular module Product Innovation and Management. It's horrible. One might think that the class will be interesting because it is product innovation but it's mighty wordy and B O R I N G. Shok Chen and I were close to tears by the first half of the lesson. We tried paying attention. We really did. Couldn't take it in the end and we left class midway, and we went to find Rochelle!
Anyways, let me share with you guys my joke of the day (and possibly the rest of the month). Notice that there's a little red mark on my right arm that looks like a small bruise.
That is actually... a hickey.
One that is given by
I'm a joke, seriously.
Was curious how does a hickey works and naively believe that with my dark skin color, it shouldn't be that obvious. And so, I tried it on my arm.. And BAM!
Made my friends morning, they couldn't stop laughing.
I add rainbows to people life. Really.
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